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Data Visualization Guide

Portrait of Matthew Fisher
Matthew Fisher
Data visualization guide cover image


Hey there! This page is dedicated to exploring questions around the topic of what makes a good data visualization. I've structured each section to lead with a guiding question, explore examples, and share key takeaways.

My hope with this page is to share what I learn and make the world of visualizations better.

Visualization Principles

Principle 1: Convey a Clear Message

Research Question: What does a clear message look like?

Visualizations exist in a context, and are part of a broader story being told. Applying techniques to highlight the message and minimize distractors can make a visualization more effective.

In this way, visualizations are both a communication tool and a decision support tool. They should contain a clear message that helps viewers understand something efficiently, which would otherwise be difficult to parse out from data or text directly.


Data visualization principles - clear message with minimal elements

The visualizations above all use the same data, but highlight different aspects using different techniques.

Which do you think has the clearest message?

The top-left line chart is a straightforward visualization of the number of units sold by month. While it is clear that sales drop off following the summer, it is left to the viewer to make that conclusion.

The top-right line chart conveys a clearer message. Distractors like the axis spines are removed and de-emphasized by reducing saturation. The line is smoothed to reduce noise, and the chart title states the message.

The bottom-left chart is a scatterplot that uses colors—specifically different shades of red—to highlight the peak sales months. This representation seems to emphasize the peak months, but doesn't emphasize the drop-off as effectively as the line charts.

The bottom-right chart is a scatterplot that uses size to convey the message.

Key Principles for Clear Messages in Data Visualization

Copyright © 2024 Matthew Fisher.
All moments preserved.